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Tech buzz: Windows 10 pre-consumer build leaked with new features: Cortana, Xbox and more

Image: AP
While Microsoft is yet to release the final version of Windows 10, a newly leaked build of the operating system gives a sneak peek into what is in store.

A video released by WinBeta showcases the 9901 build of Windows 10, which comes with a number of features that could make it to the final consumer version. As it's not the final version, many apps are currently broken, but a quick look at the interface shows that it's a lot cleaner and advanced compared with the earlier builds.

Cortana: The latest build of Windows 10 has a search feature built in, which lets you conduct voice searches using Cortana. While Cortana takes forever to load results in the current build, it is expected to function properly to give you web-based results when Windows 10 releases for consumers.

more at http://tech.firstpost.com/news-analysis/windows-10-pre-consumer-build-leaked-with-new-features-cortana-xbox-and-more-245692.html