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Tech Buzz:LG G3 reveals parts inside and an overall easy to repair device

LG G3  reveals parts inside and an overall easy to repair device

The LG G3 is fresh off of its announcement but already it's been torn apart and its insides splayed across a table for all to see courtesy of uBreakiFix. The main goal of tear downs of course is to see what the LG G3 is entirely made of and to help determine the level of repairability. In this case, uBreakiFix took the time to highlight what makes it all tick and gave the LG G3 an 8 out of 10 on the repairability scale.

  • Broadcom BCM4339 5G WiFi combo chip
  • Avago ACPM-7700 power amplifier module
  • Qualcomm WTR1625L RF transceiver
  • Qualcomm WFR1620 receive-only companion chip
  • SK Hynix 2GB/3GB LPDDR3 RAM layered on the 2.5 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor.
  • ANX7812 USB SlimPort Tx IC
  • Texas Instruments BQ24296 battery charge management and system power path management chip.

Tags: LG G3,LG G3 parts

Read More @ : http://www.androidcentral.com/lg-g3-gets-torn-apart-reveals-parts-inside-and-overall-easy-repair-device

Tech Buzz: Nokia Fatboy charging pillow at AT&T for only $5

 Nokia Fatboy charging pillow at AT&T for only $5

If you're looking to pick up a Fatboy Qi charging pillow on the cheap and live in an area which AT&T will ship to, you're in luck. In addition to their $5 deal on the Nokia DT-900 Qi charging plate, AT&T has now added the Fatboy Qi charging pillow to the mix and are also offering it for only $5.

Sadly, it seems the red and black ones are all sold out as of right now but there's still cyan left and that's one heck of a deal. We're in no position to complain about the color at that price. You'll probably want to act fast if you want to grab one. Can't imagine they'll be available for too much longer after this.

Tags: AT&T,Nokia Fatboy, Nokia Fatboy Charging pillow

Read More: http://www.androidcentral.com/deal-alert-nokia-fatboy-charging-pillow-sale-att-only-5

Tech Buzz:Android TV will be showcased at Google I/O, packs a secret weapon

Android TV will be showcased at Google I/O, packs a secret weapon


Google eagerly wants a piece of your living room. A few years ago, they attempted to do so with Google TV and that completely flopped. The Google TV team was separate from the Android team, despite the service running the same operating system. Google TV was trying to bring television components to the forefront rather than relying upon online services like almost everyone else does. There was a lack of focus on the services that people really cared about. But according to GigaOm, that is all set to change at Google I/O when the company unveils Android TV.

We have already heard about Android TV with some screenshots (also above) that allegedly show its interface. Everything is clean and there is content ranging from applications for media services to Hangouts to full games. And Android TV is not a piece of hardware that Google will be pushing. Instead, the company will go the Android route and rely upon hardware manufacturers to utilize the platform with televisions and set-top boxes. Providing a compelling platform is exactly what Google does today with Android. The focus here is services that people actually want and use and games.

To make it all work, Google has a secret weapon: Pano. This is a piece of Android TV's backbone that brings tailored content forward to the user in a design that is very much like Google Now. GigaOm says that "The idea behind Pano is that apps can surface individual pieces of content right on the home screen in a card-like fashion so that users can browse movies, TV shows and other types of media as soon as they turn on an Android TV." Again, Google Now does this by collecting data and following trends in order to provide a user-specific experience.

Tags: Google I/O,Android TV,

Read More @ http://www.talkandroid.com/208568-android-tv-will-be-showcased-at-google-io-packs-a-secret-weapon/

Career Buzz: 5 ways to create an impression in new job

5 ways to create an impression in new job

Pressure to perform highest in the first few months of a new job. Irrespective of the hierarchy, every executive is eager to create a positive impression amongst bosses and peers.

Ability to learn

In a new job one has to show the willingness to learn the trade. "The choppy economic scenario needs executives to adapt to new styles of working. Those who manage to adopt different technological skills, are flexible in their work methods and show an enthusiasm towards learning the company's culture get spotted by the bosses," says Saundarya Rajesh, founder-president, AVTAR Career Creators and FLEXI Careers India.

Get involved in multiple areas

An executive who becomes part of the solution and not the problem will be noticed by his seniors and peers. Rajesh says, one must bring their past experiences on the table, offer solutions and volunteer for multiple projects. Punctuality, coping with deadline pressures and offering help to team members will earn accolades from the new employer.

Act in interest of the company

A new employee must go beyond his role. His behaviour, attitude when meeting clients or team members should be aligned with the values of the company. Nishchae Suri, partner and country head, people and change, KPMG India, says one should not just focus on just their jobs but make an effort to know more about the company.

Seniors have to adapt too

Senior executives who were working alone and are given team members need to alter their leadership skills."The willingness to listen, understand and appreciate will help a new manager create a good impression," says Suri. For the new head to get accepted he must build on the ideas and not be dismissive about them, because the team may still be working according to their previous leader.

Social skills are crucial

Social skills are important because the employee is in the spotlight for the first few months. "It matters how others experience you and an executive's willingness to show an interest in his team members' work, even if it is not linked to his role, will get approved nods from the seniors," says Suri

Tags: 5 tips to get job

Career Buzz: 5 tips to create an impression in new job

5 tips to create an impression in new job

Career Buzz: Google banned 15 interview questions

Google banned  15 interview questions

Google has been known to be among those companies that have an exhaustive process of interviewing, but this is a class apart. All of us may have often wondered what did the questions we were asked in a job interview had to do with our suitability to the role we were being interviewed for.

But Google has woken up to this HR epidemic and slowly weeded out absurdities being asked, according to a report quoting a former Google recruiter.

Below are the 15 questions banned by Google:

Q1. How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?

Job: Product Manager

Q2. How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?

Job: Product Manager

Q3. In a country in which people only want boys every family continues to have children until they have a boy. If they have a girl, they have another child. If they have a boy, they stop. What is the proportion of boys to girls in the country?

Job: Product Manager

Q4. Design an evacuation plan for San Francisco

Job: Product Manager

Q5. Why are manhole covers round?

Job: Software Engineer

Q6. How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?

Job: Product Manager

Q7. How many times a day does a clock's hands overlap?

Job: Product Manager

Q8. Explain the significance of "dead beef"

Job: Software Engineer

Q9. A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?

Job: Software Engineer

Q10. You need to check that your friend, Bob, has your correct phone number, but you cannot ask him directly. You must write the question on a card which and give it to Eve who will take the card to Bob and return the answer to you. What must you write on the card, besides the question, to ensure Bob can encode the message so that Eve cannot read your phone number?

Job: Software Engineer

Q11. You're the captain of a pirate ship and your crew gets to vote on how the gold is divided up. If fewer than half of the pirates agree with you, you die. How do you recommend apportioning the gold in such a way that you get a good share of the booty, but still survive?

Job: Engineering Manager

Q12. You have eight balls all of the same size 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. How can you find the ball that is heavier by using a balance and only two weighing?

Job: Product Manager

Q13. You are given 2 eggs, if you have access to a 100-story building. Eggs can be very hard or very fragile means it may break if dropped from the first floor or may not even break if dropped from 100th floor. Both eggs are identical. You need to figure out the highest floor of a 100-story building an egg can be dropped without breaking. The question is how many drops you need to make. You are allowed to break 2 eggs in the process.

Job: Product Manager

Q14. Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew.

Job: Product Manager

Q15. You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and your mass is proportionally reduced so as to maintain your original density. You are then thrown into an empty glass blender. The blades will start moving in 60 seconds. What do you do?

Job: Product Manager

Tags: questions banned by google,google interview questions

Read More: http://www.techgig.com/readnews.php?category=Hiring&tgnews_link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.techgig.com%2Fknowledge%2F15-interview-questions-banned-by-Google-3538&tg_type=rss&tgnews_id=48052

Career Buzz: Five tips to build career in cloud computing

Five tips to build  career in cloud computing

The cloud computing space is evolving fast and the number of opportunities is intensifying by each passing day. There is a significant demand for fresh talent and for candidates with 2-5 years of experience for this role, according to the TimesJobs.com data. Organisations are seeking specialised skills while hiring these candidates. However, experts believe that skills and expertise can be built with experience and time. But there are other crucial factors that contribute to crafting a successful career in cloud computing. Shriranga Mulay, senior vice president - IT Engineering, Netmagic shares a few tips.

Awareness of Application Programming Interface (API)

Awareness of API tops the list. Nothing works without them in the cloud computing space. This is particularly important for a person aspiring to build his career in the cloud software engineering.

Awareness of platforms & ability to build them for virtualisation

The incumbent has to have the know-how about popular cloud development environments such as, VMware, OpenStack, etc. and should have the ability to understand the mechanism to integrate these platforms into the cloud services.

Expertise to bring in a USP

Technically, a lot of services various organisations offer are similar to their competition. One has to figure a USP to sell its employer's services differently. For eg - Netmagic launched NTSS, a tiered secured storage service, which may look similar to that of its competitors. But Netmagic has chosen superior security technology that brings in more guarantee and QoS. Differentiators like these need to be identified by the applicant and implement them.

Awareness of solution designing and architecture

The aspirant should have a solid understanding of a solution design and architecture in the physical world. This knowledge of the basics helps the person to implement and emulate most of the scenarios on a cloud platform which he would have otherwise done in a physical world. For example, Netmagic's Firewall is exactly emulating the scenario in the real world on cloud infrastructure and eventually provides the service seamlessly to end users.

General knack to be an explorer

The aspirant should know all technology developments in the cloud industry and related ecosystems. The ability to identify new technologies and then use them in the cloud space to make the product or service better is a critical quality that makes a great cloud computing professional.

Certifications also play a pivotal role in building an effective career in cloud computing. There are two types of cloud computing careers that have emerged in the jobs space - IT professionals with specific cloud skills and IT administrators with cloud architecture know-how.

According to TechGig.com, some of the top jobs available in these areas for cloud computing professionals in the experience category of 2-5 and 5-10 years include, System Engineer - Cloud (Windows), Cloud Architect Lead Role, Cloud Technical Leads, Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure Consultant.

Tags: cloud computing career,career in cloud computing,tips for career in cloud

Tech Buzz: Sony Boosts Free Games for PS4 Users Thanks to the Xbox One

Sony Boosts Free Games for PS4 Users Thanks to the Xbox One

Sony Boosts Free Games for PS4 Users Thanks to the Xbox One is a post by Travis Pope from Gotta Be Mobile.

It appears that Microsoft's decision to improve its own free games program for the Xbox One might have pushed arch-rival Sony to do the same. Starting next month, Sony says it will give users who have a PlayStation Plus subscription to free titles each month per console.

Sony announced the sweeping changes to its PlayStation Plus subscription service early this afternoon, with Vice President of Platforms Marketing, John Koller calling the excitement Sony is seeing for its PS4 gaming console "tremendous" and noting that PlayStation Plus is essential to the PS4 experience.

Though the PS4 will benefit from this the most, Koller also confirmed that PS3 and PS Vita users can also expect two free titles for those platforms as well. Effectively Sony is giving users who own all three, six free games a month, every month. Though the change is certainly good for users – more games are more games any way you look at it – it's particularly interesting that Sony chose now to announce the change in PlayStation Plus benefits.

PlayStation-Plus-vs Xbox Live

Roughly three weeks ago Microsoft stunned the gaming community when it made landmark changes to its own subscription services for the Xbox One and Xbox 360.

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Starting in June, Xbox One and Xbox 360 users with a subscription to Microsoft's Xbox Live service get two free games a month. Up until now, Microsoft had confirmed that Xbox One users would get free games as a part of Xbox Live Gold, however the company hadn't shared details about how the entire system would work.

Xbox 360 users will continue to get two free games that they can keep forever, meanwhile Microsoft has shifted the Xbox One version of the promotion to be more like what Sony offers. Going forward Xbox One users will get two free games, but those games will stop working once they cancel their Xbox Live Gold subscription, just like they would if users had a PS4 and PlayStation Plus. Microsoft announced that it would stop requiring users to have an Xbox Live Gold subscription before watching videos or listening to music through the console's assortment of apps too. Again, that's something that Sony's PS4 already does.

In addition to adding titles, Sony is also adjusting the window each game will be available to make it easier for users to remember. Starting in July, all free PlayStation Plus titles will be available for users to download the first Tuesday of each month. Sony hopes that the change will take some of the guesswork out of knowing when free title disappears from the PlayStation Network. PS Vita handheld users will get Terraria and Mutant Mudds Deluxe in June while PS3 users will get Sly Copper: Thieves of Time and NBA 2k14. Finally, PS4 users will get Trine 2 and Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate.

All told, Sony is making a very decent deceision. The free games that users get with PlayStation Plus is why many users have their eye on a PS4 instead of an Xbox One. Until Microsoft announced its own set of sweeping changes, Sony's subscription service was a much better deal for users who had their eye on the most up-to-date games. Microsoft never admitted to it, but when it announced those recent changes to Xbox Live it also said that requiring users to have an Xbox Live gold subscription to play the free games would allow them to giveaway more recent titles.

Tags:PS4 Vs. Xbox One: The Xbox One Price Cut Changes Things

Tech Buzz: Moto X bamboo finish variant launched in India priced at Rs 25,999

Moto X bamboo finish variant launched in India priced @ 25,999

NEW DELHI: Motorola has launched the bamboo back variant of Moto X smartphone in the Indian market, priced at Rs 25,999. Like other Motorola smartphones, this model too is only available via e-commerce website Flipkart.

Apart from the bamboo finish on the back, the new model of Moto X shares the same design, hardware and software with the other variants. Moto X is also available with plastic back options in black, white, turquoise, blue and red colours, along with walnut and teak wood finishes. The plastic variants cost Rs 23,999, whereas the wood back models (including the new bamboo finish) are priced at Rs 25,999.

However, Flipkart is presently offering a discount of Rs 1,000 on the wood back options of Moto X. Therefore, those who buy the bamboo, teak and walnut finish variants of the Motorola smartphone for Rs 24,999. According to the Flipkart website, this offer is valid till stocks last or till the offer ends; however, the website has not mentioned any last date for this offer.

Moto X is the only flagship smartphone by a major company that aims to lure customers with the promise of optimized user experience instead of beefed up hardware. The device has a 4.7-inch HD screen, 1.7GHz dual-core processor, 10MP camera and 2GB RAM. It is among the few smartphones in the country that run on Android 4.4 operating system and has a water-resistant coating. Buyers get 50GB of Google Drive storage free with Moto X.

The smartphone comes with a unique always-on voice assistant that listens to the commands even if the user is not operating the handset. It also comes with a Quick Capture feature, which allows users to jerk their wrist twice to open the camera app. The camera of Moto X also features ClearPixel technology that allows 75% more light to enter, thus producing better low light pictures.

Much like Nokia's Glance Screen, Moto X comes with Active Display; this feature shows the time, unread messages and emails, missed calls and other notifications even when the screen is turned off. The device is preloaded with the Migrate app, which allows users to transfer data like contacts, photos, videos and even call log and SMSs from any Android 4.2-powered phone.


Read More @ http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/mobiles/Moto-X-bamboo-finish-variant-launched-in-India/articleshow/35674940.cms?imageid=32291560#slide1

Tech Buzz: Mobile number portability crosses 100 million mark

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) has crossed 100 million mark, according to a statement released by Trai ​(Telecom Regulatory Authority of India).

NEW DELHI: The number of mobile subscribers who have availed Mobile Number Portability (MNP) has crossed 100 million mark, according to a statement released by Trai ​(Telecom Regulatory Authority of India).

According to the release, some 11% of the total mobile subscribers have exercised this facility so far.

Mobile number portability allows a mobile telephone subscriber to retain his number even when he moves from one telecom provider to another in the same service area irrespective of the mobile technology or from one cellular mobile technology to another of the same telecom provider.

MNP was introduced across the country on January 2011. Introduction of MNP has empowered mobile subscribers and given them the freedom to change their service provider without changing their mobile number.

Keeping in view the consumer interests, Trai prescribed a porting charge of Rs 19 which is among the lowest in the world.

In 2011, the porting request rejection rate was around 40% which has now reduced to 11%.

Fines up to Rs 8 crore have been imposed on various telecom service providers, in cases where they have been found violating MNP regulations.

Starting this year, onward corporate porting too is allowed, wherein mobile numbers taken in the name of companies can also be ported if such porting is duly authorised representative.

Read More : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/Mobile-number-portability-crosses-100-million-mark-Trai/articleshow/35767995.cms

Tech Buzz: 7 things about Google's self-driving car

Tech Buzz: 7 things about Google's self-driving car

Google caused a flurry of excitement by unveiling an all-new self-driving car that takes its array of add-on sensors and integrates them into a vehicle that looks like a cross between a Smart car and a Cozy Coupe.

Currently being tested around the company's Californian headquarters, the prototype could offer a whole new paradigm for driving where vehicles are operated by a single push-button and function like an automatic taxi service — not autonomous cars.

1. It can't avoid killing small animals

The sensors that allow the car to avoid pedestrians and cyclist aren't sensitive enough to avoid smaller beasties. It's unclear exactly what the size threshold is (will a small dog be seen? A badger?) but Wired reports that squirrels are definitely "too small" and could get "creamed". There have been no accidents to date though — and Google and working on making the sensors more accurate.

2. It's got a face for a reason

Google says they're trying to make the car look as friendly as possible and to that end built a 'face' into the front of the car. Humans seeing faces in random objects is well-documented (it's often referred to as facial pareidolia and is all thanks to evolution) but the choice underscores the fact that Google faces a struggle against those who are inherently hostile to technology. The promo video for the car underscores exactly the same message: everyone's happy, everyone's safe (except the squirrels).

3. No signal on your mobile? No Google-car for you

Of course the problem with connected cars is less-than-connected roads. Ever got spotty signal on your phone on the motorway? Then that's where your self-driving car might lose access to the detailed maps (created in advance the old fashioned way by Google's hand-driven cars) that it uses for guidance. There's no reason information like this can't come preloaded into self-driving cars, but it would give new meaning to the phrase 'going off the edge of the map'.

4. It feels 'like a theme park ride'

Although Google has released a video showing 'normal folks' having a go in the car (above) not many journalists have been given the same opportunity. Kara Swisher and Liz Gannes of tech site Recode were two of the lucky few and they described the car as "a gondola with wheels", noting that the combination of button-operated controls and a little departure message telling them to pick-up their baggage when they left made it feel "a lot like a theme park ride."

5. We're getting them in Milton Keynes

See that below? No, it's not a rival prototype from Microsoft but actually one of 20 pods that will be introduced to Milton Keynes in 2015 as part of their trial for a 'driverless public transport system'. Like Google's vehicles they'll eventually have no steering wheel and be operating at the touch of a button, using a combination of GPS, sensors and cameras to navigate and avoid pedestrians. Poor Milton Keynes - forefront of the self-driving revolution and nobody knows.

6. Google's cars will still need a steering wheel - for legal reasons

Despite the fact that the car is being advertised as having no controls, Google will have to include both pedals and a wheel when they test the vehicles on California's streets thanks to the state's laws. This tension between what a car is and what it isn't (see above - do you need a steering wheel? Do you need wheels?) is sure to continue to plague Google .

7. Google will pay the parking tickets

So far Google's self-driving cars have never gotten a parking ticket (and they've only been in two accidents — both when humans had taken control) but if they do, it's apparently Google that will pay up. A safety director for the company told The Atlantic that because "the decisions are not being made by the individual" they think that "the ticket should go to the company". It's a generous answer, but one that raise more serious questions about responsibility and the law: what happens if someone does get hurt by a Google car, who's responsible then?

Read More @http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/more-gadgets/7-things-you-didnt-know-about-Googles-self-driving-car/articleshow/35713708.cms

Career Buzz: SBI Clerk Recruitment Notification- 2014

SBI Clerk Recruitment Notification-  IMPORTANT DATES-2014

Application Online Registration:

  • opening date:  26-05-2014
  • Closing date:    14-06-2014

Fee payment

  • online Dates between:    26-05-2014  to 14-06-2014
  • offline  Dates between:   28-05-2014 to 17-06-2014

Call Letter /admit card Download: After 09-07-2014

Online Test Exam dates:  July – August

Tags: Sbi clerk notification 2014,sbi clerk-2014,sbi clerk exam dates 2014,sbi clerk recruitement

Tech Buzz:Philips company also launched the Xenium W6610 at Rs. 20,650.

Philips company also launched the Xenium W6610 at Rs. 20,650.


Philips has re-entered the Indian smartphone arena in style, launching three Android smartphones and a feature phone for the mass market.

Apart from the Philips S308 and W3500, the company also launched the Xenium W6610 at Rs. 20,650. The highlight of the Philips Xenium W6610 is its large 5300mAh battery, which is rated to deliver up to 33 hours of talk time and up to 1,604 hours of standby time.

Notably, the Xenium W6610 with its 5300mAh battery has become the smartphone packing the biggest battery capacity currently available in the Indian market. With the launch of the Xenium W6610, Philips leaves behind some of the popular handset vendors such as Lenovo (P780) and Micromax (Canvas Power) who created a lot of buzz in the Indian market with their smartphones packing a 4000mAh battery.

On the specifications front, the Xenium W6610 is a dual-SIM (GSM+GSM) device which runs the now dated Android 4.2 Jelly Bean out-of-the-box. It comes with a 5-inch (540x960 pixels) qHD IPS display.

Much like many of the mid-range smartphones, the Xenium W6610 is also powered by a quad-core processor, clocked at 1.3GHz, and coupled with 1GB of RAM.

It comes with 4GB of inbuilt storage, which is further expandable via microSD card (up to 32GB). It sports an 8-megapixel autofocus rear camera with LED flash and CMOS sensor, while there is a secondary 2-megapixel front-facing camera also onboard. On the connectivity front, the Xenium W6610 includes 3G, Wi-Fi, Micro-USB, and Bluetooth.

Philips also launched a feature phone, the E130 at Rs. 1,960. The Philips E130 feature phone is a dual-SIM device and also houses a digital camera (unspecified megapixel count). Other features of E130 feature phone include FM radio, MP3 player, microSD card slot support with expandable storage (up to 32GB). Unfortunately, the company has not detailed the complete specifications of the Philips E130.

Tags: Philips Xenium W6610,Xenium W6610

Tech Buzz: Wickedleak has launched a new Android smartphone in India -Wammy Neo Priced at Rs. 11,990

Wickedleak has launched a new Android smartphone in India -Wammy Neo Priced at Rs. 11,990

Wickedleak has launched a new Android smartphone in India, the Wammy Neo, which it claims is 'probably the most affordable octa-core smartphone' in the Indian market. Priced at Rs. 11,990, deliveries of the Wammy Neo would commence from June 15 on Wickedleak's website.

The company is also touting the optional AquaProtect coating it offers. The Wickedleak Wammy Neo is a dual-SIM smartphone with a GSM-WCDMA (3G) configuration. The smartphone runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, but has been promised an Android 4.4 KitKat update at some point.


Featuring a 5-inch IPS display with a 720x1280 pixel resolution, it comes with a Dragon Tail screen. The Wammy Neo runs on the 1.7GHz octa-core MediaTek MTK6592 SoC with a Mali 450 GPU alongside 2GB of RAM. It offers 8GB of built-in storage with microSD card (up to 64GB) expandability.

The Wammy Neo bears a 5.0-megapixel front-facing camera, and a 13-megapixel rear autofocus camera with LED flash. Connectivity options include 3G, GPRS/ EDGE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n with hotspot and Direct functionality, Bluetooth v2.1, GPS/ A-GPS with EPO, FM radio, Micro-USB, and a 3.5mm audio jack.

Powered by a 2200mAh battery with a standby time of 5-6 days, the Wammy Neo measures in at 114.5x71x7.7mm - no weight details have been provided. Not Wickedleaks' first octa-core smartphone, the company recently launched the Wammy Titan 3 Octa smartphone at Rs. 14,990 in March.

The Wammy Titan 3 Octa smartphone came with dual-SIM support (one Micro-SIM), and was based on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. It featured a 5.7-inch IPS WXGA (800x1280 pixel) display with OGS lamination and Dragon Tail Glass coating.

Tags: Wickedleak,Wammy Neo

Tech Buzz:Five best Android 4.4 KitKat-based smartphone options - Under Rs. 8,000 only

Five best Android 4.4 KitKat-based smartphone options - Under Rs. 8,000 only


Android 4.4 KitKat was announced in November last year but until recently, smartphones running the latest version of Android have been few and far between.

The entry level segment might not grab headlines, but for most people it represents the segment to which their first smartphone belongs. We pick five smartphones in the sub-Rs. 8,000 segment running the latest Android version, but before that, let's take a look at the improvements in KitKat itself.

Look at these best Android 4.4 KitKat-based smartphone options available in the Indian market under Rs. 8,000 - and let you work out which one's best for you.

1. Micromax Canvas Engage (Rs. 6,199)
Micromax Canvas Engage is the cheapest option for people who want Android KitKat, available online for Rs. 6,199. Released earlier this month, it runs Android 4.4.2 out of the box. The phone has a 4-inch screen, running at a 480x800 pixel resolution, powered by a 1.2GHz processor, with 512MB of RAM. There's a 5-megapixel rear camera and a 0.3-megapixel front camera, and the phone comes with 4GB built in storage.


2. Moto E (Rs. 6,999)
Motorola announced its most affordable smartphone in Moto range, the Moto E running Android 4.4 KitKat at Rs. 6,999. The Moto E has created a buzz in the Indian market with its affordable pricing.

Moto E comes with 4.3-inch display with a qHD (540x960 pixel) resolution and 256ppi pixel density. Motorola is also touting the Corning Gorilla Glass 3 screen of the phone, along with its 'water-nano coating' which provides a measure of water resistance. The Moto E is a dual-SIM phone that supports Micro-SIM cards and an 'intelligent calling feature.'
Moto E is powered by a 1.2GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 processor along with Adreno 302 GPU alongside 1GB of RAM. Motorola's latest budget offering comes with a 5-megapixel rear camera and packs a 1980mAh battery.

3. Micromax Unite 2 (Rs. 6,999)
The newly launched Micromax Unite 2 is pretty similar to the Micromax Canvas Engage, but comes with one very notable feature - it has support for 20 regional languages and English, thanks to something called the Reverie Multilingual Pack.

micromax_unite_2.jpgThe phone offers dual-SIM support, and features a 4.7-inch Bright Graph IPS display with a 480x800 pixel resolution. An unspecified quad-core processor powers the device, clocked at 1.3GHz, along with 1GB of RAM.

The Micromax Unite 2 is the company's first handset to come with support for 21 languages (including English). The 20 regional languages supported by the handset are Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Marathi, Nepali, Bodo, Dogri, Konkani, Kashmiri, Maithili, Manipuri, Sanskrit, Sindhi.

4. Lava Iris X1 (Rs. 7,999)
The Lava Iris X1 was launched in the last week of May, and is available under Rs. 8,000. The Iris X1 is a dual-SIM (GSM+GSM) device and also supports 3G connectivity. The highlight of the smartphone is the latest Android KitKat software onboard.


Other specifications include a 4.5-inch IPS display (480x854 pixels resolution and 217ppi pixel density); 1.2GHz quad-core Broadcom BCM23550 processor with 1GB of RAM; 4GB of built-in storage; expandable storage via microSD card (up to 32GB); 8-megapixel rear camera with dual-LED flash; 2-megapixel front-facing camera, and 1800mAh battery. Connectivity options apart from 3G support include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS/ EDGE, A-GPS and Micro-USB.

5. Xolo Q1000 Opus (Rs. 7,790)
The Xolo Q1000 Opus runs Android 4.2 out-of-the-box but received the Android 4.4 KitKat update recently, making it the first sub-Rs. 10,000 handset to run the latest Android version.

With the rollout of KitKat for the Q1000 Opus, Xolo also became one of the first domestic handset makers which announced Android 4.4 KitKat update for its smartphones. However, we are yet to see updates coming for other Xolo smartphones.

Xolo Q1000 Opus

Xolo launched the Q1000 Opus back in December last year at Rs. 9,999, but the phone is available for sub-Rs. 8,000 now.

The Xolo 1000 Opus, is a dual-SIM phablet with support for GSM+GSM and features a 5-inch FWVGA IPS display with 480x854 pixels resolution. It continues the Q range tradition and sports a 1.2GHz quad-core Broadcom BCM23550 processor with Videocore IV GPU and 1GB of RAM. It sports a 5-megapixel autofocus rear camera accompanied by an LED flash and also includes a VGA front-facing camera.

Tags: Micromax Canvas Engage,Moto E,Micromax Unite 2,Lava Iris X1,Xolo Q1000 Opus

Tech buzz: Facebook Wants To Listen In On What You're Doing

Facebook Wants To Listen In On What You're Doing

Facebook had two big announcements this week that show the company's wildly divergent takes on the nature of privacy.

One announcement is that the company is encouraging new users to initially share only with their "friends" rather than with the general public, the previous default. And for existing users, the company plans to break out the old "privacy dinosaur" to do a " check-up" to remind people of how they're sharing. Facebook employees say that using an extinct creature as a symbol for privacy isn't subtle messaging, but simply an icon to which their users respond well.

Meanwhile, Facebook's second announcement indicated just how comfortable they think their users are in sharing every little thing happening in their lives.

Facebook is rolling out a new feature for its smartphone app that can turn on users' microphones and listen to what's happening around them to identify songs playing or television being watched.

TECH BUZZ: A Microsoft Smartwatch

A Microsoft - -Smart watch is Coming

Microsoft is the latest technology giant preparing to jump into the wearables market, with plans to offer a sensor-rich smartwatch that measures heart rate and synchs with iPhones, Android phones and Windows Phones, Forbes has learned.

It's a surprising development in the ongoing conversation about wearables that till now has been dominated by Samsung and Apple.

The device will draw on optical engineering expertise from Microsoft's Xbox Kinect division to continuously measure heart rate through the day and night, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the company's plans, while the battery will last for two days, roughly on par with Samsung's Gear Fi

The timeline for the watch's release date is unclear but Microsoft could be gunning for as soon as this summer.

Crucially, it appears the smartwatch won't just tie in with Windows Phone devices, but will also work with both iPhones and Android smartphones.

A spokesman for Microsoft would not comment on the details. "We have nothing to share," he said.

Still, early indications suggest the smartwatch may already be a step ahead from current fitness trackers like the Gear Fit, which requires users to turn on its heart-rate monitor. Microsoft's device will track continuous heart rate over the course of a person's day, sources say.  The watch will look similar to the Samsung Gear Fit and feature a full-color touch screen about the size of half a stick of gum, positioned on the inside of the wearer's wrist. The unorthodox screen-placing appears to be aimed at making it easier and more private to view notifications.

A cross-platform smartwatch would represent another bold move by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to create a product that works across other rival platforms, not just Windows. His first public unveiling of a product in April was of a suite of Microsoft Office products that worked, for the first time, on Apple's iPad.

Microsoft's software and services need to be available on "all devices," Nadella also said at a conference earlier this week. "It's time for us to build the next big thing."

Read More @ http://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2014/05/29/exclusive-a-microsoft-smartwatch-is-coming/

Career News:BSNL JTO Eligibily And Exam Pattern 2014 and previous papers practice papers

The recruitment for the position of Junior Telecom Officers is announced every year by the BSNL in the months of May/June for all eligible applicants. The post of JTO is good for all those applicants who are interested to work in the government organizations of the telecom sector. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is one of the largest government telecom service providers in India, thus, it can be a very good employment option for the candidates seeking recruitment in this sector.

BSNL JTO Examination:

The recruitment consists of a written exam conducted usually in the last week of April for all the applicants. The exam is an online objective type test comprising of three main sections.

Part 1: General Ability Test 20 Marks

Part 2: General Engineering 90 Marks

Part 3: Specialization 90 Marks

Duration of the Bank: 3 Hours

The candidates are required to qualify in all the sections of the paper for selection in this round. The next round of the recruitment consists of the Interview and the Medical Tests respectively held for only those participants who have been successful in the online written exam.

Application Forms & Downloading Process:

The applications for the BSNL JTO Exam is done online at the official site of the BSNL i.e. bsnl.co.in. The applicants can find the online application link at the website through which they can complete their online registration. The online registration will be followed by the offline sending of documents and applications to the mentioned address of the BSNL Office before the last date prescribed for it. The online applications for the post of JTO will begin most probably in the first week of March for all the applicants.

modal papers at gkpapers.blogspot.com

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read more at  http://www.sarkariexam.co.in/bsnl-jto-application-form/60285

Election Results 2014: Top 10 High-Profile Contests and Victory Margins

New Delhi: In the campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections, a clutch of constituencies grabbed a disproportionately high share of eyeballs and newspaper space. These were the seats from where powerful candidates had entered the fray, and witnessed high-voltage campaigns.
Here are the top 10 high-profile contests:
  1. Varanasi: Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal had vowed to defeat Narendra Modi. But, as the result proved, it was literally a cakewalk for the BJP's prime ministerial candidate, who defeated the former Delhi chief minister by 3.37 lakh votes. Congress candidate Ajay Rai was relegated to the third spot. Party vice-president Rahul Gandhi's impressive last-day roadshow failed to prevent his humiliation.

  2. Vadodra: The second parliamentary seat from where Mr Modi was contesting gave a massive thumbs-up to him. He trounced Congress general secretary Madhusudan Mistry by a record margin of 5.70 lakh votes. And he accomplished this feat without campaigning in the constituency.

  3. Gandhinagar: In the end, former deputy prime minister LK Advani's apprehensions about contesting the general election from the Gujarat capital was proved wrong. He vanquished Congress' Kiritbhai Ishwarbhai Patel by 4.83 lakh votes.

  4. Amritsar: The holy city was witness to a fierce contest between former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh and Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley. Mr Singh described the BJP leader as an "outsider." The Congress stalwart eventually won by a margin of 1.02 lakh votes.

  5. Amethi: BJP vice president Smriti Irani gave Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi the jitters, but finally lost by 1.08 lakh votes. In 2009, he had won by a huge margin of 3.70 lakh votes. AAP leader Kumar Vishwas, who had been camping in the constituency since January 10 and had launched a high-decibel campaign, was pushed to the fourth spot. He could manage to garner a little over 25,000 votes.

  6. Azamgarh: Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav defeated BJP heavyweight Ramakant Yadav, who had won the seat in 2009, by some 63,000 votes. Azamgarh was the second constituency from where the SP supremo was contesting. He also retained Mainpuri.

  7. Chandigarh: Actor-turned-politician Kirron Kher ended the winning run of former union minister Pawan Kumar Bansal by wresting the seat by 69,642 votes. The Congress leader had been winning the seat since 1999. Activist-politician Gul Panag, who had entered the race as an AAP candidate, finished third. She secured 1.08 lakh votes.

  8. Pataliputra: Rashtriya Janata Dal founder and former Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad Yadav had staked his prestige from this constituency by fielding his daughter Misa Bharti. But it was the BJP candidate Ram Kripal Yadav, who quit the RJD just before the elections in protest against the denial of party ticket to him, who had the last laugh. He bagged the seat by 43,043 votes.

  9. Bangalore South: The contest between senior BJP leader Ananth Kumar and former Infosys czar Nandan Nilekani failed to live up to its billing as a high-profile contest. The BJP leader retained the seat for the seventh time by 2.29 lakh votes.

  10. Thiruvananthapuram: Former union minister Shashi Tharoor was engaged in a neck-to-neck race with the BJP's O Rajagopal. The Congress leader finally scraped through by a margin of 15,470 votes.

Election Results 2014: Top Five Losers

this article is from http://www.ndtv.com/elections/article/cheat-sheet/election-results-2014-top-five-losers-in-today-s-verdict-525473

Here are the top five losers

    Congress: Exit polls had predicted that India's Grand Old Party (GOP) would be reduced to double digits. But no would have expected the party to dip below the 50-seat mark. It is now leading in 46 seats. Its worst performance till now has been 114, which it won in 1999. The only saving grace is that party president Sonia Gandhi who has won from Raebareli and her son Rahul who is ahead of his rival in Amethi, but most of the other big guns have either lost, or are trailing. (Congress Shields Rahul Gandhi from Blame)

    Janata Dal (United): Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who heads the party, must be rueing his decision to part ways with the BJP in June last, after it brought Narendra Modi to the party's centrestage, and late declared him as their prime ministerial face. The JD (U) had won 20 seats in 2009. Its tally has now registered a sharp drop, and is now leading in only two constituencies. Party heavyweights such as Sharad Yadav have suffered a humiliating defeat. (Split With BJP Could Be Nitish Kumar's Worst Mistake)

    Bahujan Samaj Party: Mayawati's party is staring at a wipeout. It had won 21 seats in 2009, including 20 in Uttar Pradesh, and one in Madhya Pradesh. It faces the spectre of drawing a blank this time. Its Dalit votebank has collapsed, with a chunk shifting its allegiance to Narendra Modi's BJP in the swing state of Uttar Pradesh. (BSP Will Not Support a Modi-Led Government: Mayawati)

    DMK: M Karunanidhi's party had walked away with 18 seats from Tamil Nadu in 2009. Today it registered one of its worst performances ever with the party drawing a blank. Bigwigs such as former union ministers Dayanidhi Maran and A Raja have lost. Corruption and dynastic politics appear to have taken much of the sheen from the party. (We Have the Heart to Bear Anything, Says DMK)

    NCP: The outcome of the 2014 Lok Sabha polls has exposed the vulnerability of Sharad Pawar's party, which just might see its tally drop to 6 from the 8 it had in the 15th Lok Sabha. In Maharashtra, it has won three seats. It has also won a seat each in Bihar and Lakshadweep. (BJP Clears 272 on its Own)

Poll 2014: US Congratulates BJP on 'Historic' Poll Victory

The White House today congratulated the BJP on its "historic" poll victory and said that the US looks forward to working with the new Indian government.

File photo of US President Barack Obama

Washington: The White House today congratulated the BJP on its "historic" poll victory and said that the US looks forward to workin
"US congratulates BJP on its victory in India's historic election; we look forward to working with the government once formed to advance our partnership," the National Security Council (NSC) of the White House said in a tweet.

US President Barack Obama had earlier this week said that he is looking forward to working "closely" with the next government in India to make the coming years "equally transformative" for the two countries.

"We look forward to the formation of a new government once election results are announced and to working closely with India's next administration to make the coming years equally transformative," Obama said in a statement on Tuesday.

India has set an example for the world in holding the largest democratic election in history, which he said was "a vibrant demonstration of our shared values of diversity and freedom".

"The United States and India have developed a strong friendship and comprehensive partnership over the last two decades, which has made our citizens safer and more prosperous and which has enhanced our ability to work together to solve global challenges," he said.

read more at http://www.ndtv.com/elections/article/election-2014/us-congratulates-bjp-on-historic-poll-victory-525642

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Lok sabha Election Results 2014:Varanasi vote counting live update

Anti-corruption crusader Kejriwal pitted against Modi, BJP's Prime
Ministerial candidate in Varanasi, is seeking to replicate this time,
his electoral triumph in last year's Delhi Assembly polls.

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Educational News: Top 10 Distance Learning University for B.Com

Top 10 Distance Learning University for B.Com
1. Delhi University

2. Tamil Nadu Open University

3. Annalmalai University, Directorate of Distance Education
4. University of Mumbai

5. Bharathiar University

6. Madurai Kamaraj University

7. Alagappa University

8. Punjab University

9. Gujarat University

10. Karnataka State Open University


Career Options in Engineering after 12th: The list of Common Entrance Tests for Admission in Engineering

Career Options in Engineering after 12th

Career in Engineering after 12th is an excellent option for students nowadays. The students who are willing to take admission in an engineering college in India for pursuingB.E., B.Tech or B,Arch., need to appear for the commonJoint Entrance Exam (JEE) conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) every year.

Through this  students can take admission in premiere engineering colleges like IITs, NIITs and others. The scores can be used for getting admission at various engineering colleges in the country offering engineering courses in different branches.

However, many institutes also take their own entrance test for admission into various undergraduate courses of engineering.

Many states also conducts their own entrance tests on state level such as Bihar CET, Goa CET (GCET), EAMCET, Jharkhand CET, J&K BPEE CET, Karnataka CET.

Here is the list of Common Entrance Tests for Admission in Engineering:

  • JEE MAIN Entrance Exam
  • EAMCET Engg Entrance Exam
  • Aligarh Muslim University Engg Entrance Exam (AMU)
  • Birla Institute of Technology Engg. Entrance Exam (BITSAT)
  • VIT University Engg Entrance Exam (VITEEE)
  • Associate Membership of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (AMIETE)
  • Joint Entrance Exam (JET)
  • BVP Pune CET

List of State Engineering Entrance Exams

  • Andhra Pradesh Common Entrance Test (EAMCET)
  • Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (BCECE)
  • Delhi Combined Entrance Examination (CEE)
  • Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GUJCET)
  • Goa Common Entrance Test (GCET)
  • Haryana Common Engineering Entrance Test (CEET)
  • Jharkhand Engineering Entrance Exam (JCECE)
  • Karnataka Common Entrance Test (CET)
  • Kerala Engineering Architecture Medical (KEAM)
  • Madhya Pradesh Pre- Engineering Test (PET)
  • Maharashtra Engineering Entrance Exam (CET)
  • North East State Engineering Entrance (NEE)
  • Orissa Joint Entrance Exam (JEE)
  • Pondicherry Joint Entrance Test (PJET)
  • West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE)

read more at http://www.successcds.net/state-entrance-exam-tests.html