you may have tried lot of softwares and applications that uses VOIP
technology connects you to the mobile number you've requested.
you might observed it takes lot of time to download such kind of
softwares as well as registering an account is too obvious.
Here's the catch, web based applications, mostly referred by browser
based applications that let you call mobile phone from pc using internet
These are almost free and you don't need to download any software for
that as they are web based which are already installed on the website
you simply need to launch the application and use it for your own
purpose, in our case getting the interface of dial pad to enter the
mobile number.
Make Free Calls Without any Software
About 40 countries now included to make absolutely free mobile calls
from your PC, no special requirements if the country you want to call is
in the list, however if it's not then you would need to sign up and
create an account and then buy credit which will allow you call for many
times to to any country.
The most popular free international calls application was by evaphone,
as it stoped their free service, call2friends is the second free service
that's working till now so far, so get it used and save bucks.