Flipkart has now launched a new service called Scheduled Delivery. The new service will be initially available in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata, and Flipkart says Scheduled Delivery will be extended in other cities soon.
The new supply-chain feature will allow customers to choose a specific date and time for delivery of their Flipkart order. The popular online retailer notes that customers can now choose delivery slots starting as early as the next day.
The Scheduled Delivery is currently free of cost for Flipkart customers.
Flipkart on Wednesday announced its annual subscription service with a subscription fee of Rs. 500 per year. However, the 75,000 customers from the lucky draw announced in May get the subscription free of cost till September 10.
Tags:Flipkart,Scheduled Delivery Service ,flipkart Scheduled Delivery Service ,flipcart services,online shopping,online shopping services,flipkart online shoping services