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Career Buzz: 1291 Civil Services Notification UPSC- June 2014

Preliminary Examination of the Civil Services Examination for recruitment to the Services and Posts mentioned below will be held by the Union Public Service Commission on 24th Aug., 2014 in accordance with the Rules published by the Department of Personnel & Training in the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 31st May, 2014.

Name of Post:- Civil Services

Eligibility:- Bachelor’s Degree

Job Location:- All India

Last Date:- 30th June 2014

Hiring Process:- Written Test and Interview

Total no. of Posts:- 1291 Posts

Age Limit:- A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on the 1st of August, 2014.

Qualification:- The candidate must hold a degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification.

Age Relaxation:- The upper age limit is relaxable for the following specified categories to the extent indicated below.
i) upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.
ii) upto a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates.
iii) upto a maximum of five years if a candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from the 1st January, 1980 to the 31st day of December, 1989.
iv) upto a maximum of three years in the case of Defense Services personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof.
v) upto a maximum of five years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st August, 2014 and have been released.

Application Fee:- Candidates (excepting Female/ SC/ ST/ PH Candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) either by remitting the money in any Branch of SBI by Cash, or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India/ State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/ Sate Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/ State Bank of Patiala /State Bank of  Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card. Applicants who opt for “Pay by Cash” mode should print the system generated Pay-in-slip during part II registration and deposit the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next working day only. “Pay by Cash ” mode will be deactivated at 23.59 hours of 29.06.2014.

How to apply:- Candidates are required to apply Online by using the website www.upsconline.nic.in. The online Applications can be filled up to 30th June, 2014 till 11.59 PM after which the link will be disabled.

Tags: UPSC Notification 2014,UPSC 2014,Civil Service 2014,Civil services notification 2014,notification,UPSC,civils 2014,civil posts 2014,UPSC posts 2014