Super Star Rajinikanth have completed his part in Vikrama Simha and without taking any break has started his next movie under direction of KS Ravikumar. This high budget entertainer is titled as Lingaa and movie had official launch yesterday in Mysore. Movie unit planned for a small schedule in Mysore Palace, officials have not given permission as the approach of the movie unit is not in formal manner. As per rules movie unit should take permission from Maharaja of Mysore’s family irst and then official request with proper documentation.
Anushka and Sonakshi Sinha will share screen with Rajini and he will be seen in dual role under direction of KS Ravikumar. Rockline Venkatesh is producing this under Rockline Productions and AR Rahaman will be giving tunes. Jagapathi Babu who received good response for his role in Legend will be playing an important role in this movie.