Facts about Rajasthan
Date of formation: 1 November 1956
Size: 342239 sq km
Population: 68621012 (census 2011)
Capital: Jaipur
Legislature: Unicameral
Population density: 165/sq km
No. of districts: 33
Lok Sabha seats: 25
Judicature: Jodhpur High Court
Languages: Hindi and Rajasthani
Rivers: Beas, Chambal, Banas, Luni
Minerals: Zinc, mica, copper, gypsum, silver, magnesite, petroleum
Industries: Textiles, woollen, sugar, cement, glass, zinc smelters
Airports: Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur
Forests and national parks: Sariska Tiger Reserve, Keoladeo Ghana NP, Ranthambore NP, Dhawa WS
Neighbouring states: East: Madhya Pradesh; North-east: Uttar Pradesh; North: Haryana and Punjab; West: Pakistan, South: Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh
State animal: Chinkara
Main crops: Mustard, jowar, bajra, maize, gram, wheat, cotton, millet