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JEE Mains 2014 Exam Date - JEE Main Exam Notifications 2014

Latest Notifications and alerts on JEE 2014 Examination (JEE MAIN formally AIEEE), Important Dates for Application, Latest news , JEE eligibility, JEE (Advanced) for IIT admissions 2014 and Exam pattern
JEE Exam Overview

JEE MAIN 2014 Notification Out

INFORMATION BULLETIN can be downloaded from JEE MAIN 2014 website www.jeemain.nic.in by the second week of November 2014

The States of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Odisha have joined JEE Main system. Admission to Engineering Colleges in these states will alco be through JEE MAIN 2014 Scores

Online application process will start from 15th November 2013 and the last date for application is 26th December 2013

Paper 1 (B.E./B. Tech.) and Paper 2 (Arch) Pen and Paper mode will be held on 6th of April, 2014

Online examination (Computer Based Examination) for Paper 1 (B. E./B. Tech.) Only will be on 9th, 11th, 12th and 19th of April, 2014 in Two Shifts. The Aspirants can Choose the Date and Time of Exam