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Quiz: IB PREPARATION - IB ACIO Grade-ii Executive Exam Previous Year (23.09.2012) Questions with answers

IB PREPARATION : IB ACIO Grade-ii Executive Exam Previous Year (23.09.2012) Questions with answers


101. If the persons A and B have incomes in the ratio 7 : 5 andexpenditures in the ratio 3 : 2 and each one of them saves Rs R, then,the income of A is:


102. If x + a is a factor of x3 + ax2 – 2x + a + 4, then a equals:


103. At 7 : 55 a.m. a police jeep started chasing a stolen carrunning at 85 km/hr ahead of it by 5 km. At what time will the police jeepovertake the stolen car, if its speed is 100 km/hr?
(1) 8 : 30 a.m.
(2) 8 : 20 a.m.
(3) 8 : 25 a.m.
(4) 8 : 15 a.m.
(5) 9 : 00 a.m.


104. It takes the same time to go 20 km downstream as it takes to go 12 km upstream. If the speed of the boat used is 8 km/hr in still water, the speed of the stream (in km/hr) is:
(1) 4 (2)1 (3)0 (4) 3 (5)2


105. Ravi and Dev have an age ratio of 15 : 8, which will be 5 : 3nin 10 years time. Their present ages (in years) are:
(1) 15, 8 (2) 30, 16 (3) 45, 24 (4) 60, 32 (5) 75, 40


Directions (Qs. 106-108): Each of the following questions has two equations on the basis of which you have to find the relation between a and b. Provide the answers as:


106. I: a2 – 10a + 25 = 0.
II: 300% of 60% + 10% of 32 = b.


107. I: a2 – 3a – 18 = 0.
II: b2 + 6b + 9 = 0


Directions (Qs. 109-110): Find the approximate value of x

109. x = log10 160 (given log10 2 = 0.3010).
(1) 2.5 (2) 2.2 (3) 2.4
(4) 2.1 (5) 2.8

110. 2 sin2 x – cos x + 4 = 0


Directions (Qs. 111-115): In these questions, each question is followed by two statements. On the basis of the question asked and the given statements, you have to decide whether the data is/are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer as:
(1) if the data in statement I alone is sufficient, while not in II alone
(2) if the data in statement II alone is sufficient, while I alone is not
(3) if the data in either statement I alone or II alone is sufficient
(4) if the data in both statements together is not sufficient
(5) if the data in both statements I and II are needed together


111. How many straight lines can be formed from 6 points in a plane?
Statement I: 4 points are collinear.
Statement II: 3 points are collinear.


112. What is the probability that Ravi and Dev contradict a given statement?
Statement I: Ravi speaks truth in 60% cases.
Statement II: Dev speaks truth in 50% cases.


113. The simple interest on a certain sum of money for 2 years is
Rs 260. Find the sum.
Statement I: The sum amounts to Rs 5590 in 3 years and Rs 5850 in 5 years.
Statement II: The sum is doubled in 40 years.


114. Is the two-digit number N divisible by 18?
Statement I: When N is multiplied with 3, the result is a 3-digit number.
Statement II: When N is divided by 3, the remainder is 1.


115. A boat goes upstream and then returns downstream. What is the total distance?
Statement I: Upstream speed is 4 km/hr and downstream speed is 8 km/hr.
Statement II: Average speed is


116. The value of x in the inequality 2x2 – x + 15 < 0 is:


117. What should be the value of the question mark:


118. 2 rice varieties costing Rs 25 per kg and Rs 35 per kg were mixed as 2 : 3 and sold so as to gain 20%. What was the SP of the mixture (Rs/kg)?
(1) 37.2 (2) 28.6 (3) 30 (4) 32 (5) 40.5


119. A huge jar contains 2 liquids A and B in the ratio 7 : 4.When 12 litres of mixture is removed and replaced by B, the ratio now 4 : 7. The capacity of the vessel (in litres) is:
(1) 120 (2) 240 (3) 280 (4) 300 (5) 560


120. If the difference between CI and SI on Rs 1 lakh was Rs 36 in 2 years, the rate of yearly interest is:


121. Toffees are bought at 4 for a rupee and the same number at 6 for a rupee. Then, they are mixed and sold at 5 per rupee. What is the net profit or loss?
(1) 2% loss
(2) 10% profit
(3) no profit or loss
(4) 4% loss
(5) None of these


122. How many triangles can be obtained from 5 coplanar points? (No 3 points are collinear).
(1) 5 (2) 3 (3) 10 (4) 20 (5) 8


123. If the chances that Sonu, Monu, Mahesh can solve a problem are what is the probability that given problem can be solved if they all try?


124. In an examination, a candidate can provide answers as True or False. For ten questions, how many sequences are possible?
(1) 512 (2) 1024 (3) 100 (4) 10 (5) 2048


Directions (Qs. 125-127): Each question comprises 4 parts, one of which may be wrong and does not yield the same answer as the others. Find out the wrong part and if none is wrong, mark 5 as your answer.


Directions (Qs. 129-130): What should come in place of question mark in these number series:

129. 4 5 18 81 ? 2065.
(1) 388 (2) 365 (3) 350 (4) 361 (5) 1032

130. 3 ? 50.5 202.5 810.5.
(1) 6 (2) 7.5 (3) 10.5 (4) 22.5 (5) 12.5

Directions (Qs. 131-135): Study the following table carefullyand answer the questions that follow. A few data are assigned alphabetically:(Sales of shirts and jeans sold by Co. X in various years,Rs crores)

131. The per cent increase in the shirts' sale between years2002 and 2004 is:
(1) 40% (2) 50% (3) 45%(4) 60% (5) 100%

132. The per cent increase in the jeans' sale between 2001 and2005 is:
(1) 75% (2) 37.5%(3) 375% (4) 750%(5) Can't be determined

133. If G = 1.5, what per cent is sales of jeans in 2005 of salesof jeans in 2002?
(1) 150 (2) 175 (3) 87.5(4) 160 (5) 190.5

134. If C : D : G = 1 : 2 : 3, then F : B = ?
(1) 15.0 (2) 57.3(3) 7.50 (4) 3.75(5) 37.5

135. The value of A : E is:
(1) 0.6 (2) 0.8 (3) 1.01.2 (5) 1.5

Directions (Qs. 136-140): Study the pie-charts and answer thequestions below them.

136. How much extra is the availability of spending on otheritems, during 1980-2005 period?
(1) Rs 2760 (2) Rs 2000 (3) Rs 3150(4) Rs 2250 (5) Rs 2350

137. The ratio of actual spending on food in 2005 to that in 1980is:
(1) 10 : 7 (2) 20 : 9 (3) 5 : 2(4) 3 : 1 (5) 2 : 3

138. In 1980, people in rural India had 30% less earning andspent 40% on food and out of this, expenditure on milk products was only 10%. Its value is:
(1) Rs 84 (2) Rs 92 (3) Rs 60 (4) Rs 42 (5) Rs 90

139. How much other food items are available in 2005, in Rs terms?
(1) Rs 180 (2) Rs 93 (3) Rs 642 (4) Rs 1200 (5) Rs 558

140. In relative per cent terms, is there an increase or decrease in the expenditure on milk etc?

Directions (Qs. 141-145): The following bar chart gives theamount of imports and exports of a leather company over theyears (Imports .., Exports .. ) in Rupees crores:

141. Total imports for Ist 2 years are what per cent of totalexports for these 2 years?
(1) 50% (2) 100% (3) 120%(4) 80% (5) 200%


142. For which years is the value of the total imports equal to thetotal exports?
(1) 1970, 1990 (2) 1970, 1980 (3) 1990, 2000(4) 2000, 2005 (5) None of these


143. The ratio of exports to imports was maximum in the year:
(1) 1990, 2000, 2005 (2) 1900, 2005 (3) 2000, 2005
(4) 1970, 1990, 2000 (5) 1970, 1990, 2000


144. When was the per cent increase in exports, over theprevious 10-year, the least?
(1) 1980 (2) 2000 (3) 1990(4) 2005 (5) 1970


145. The ratio of total exports to the total of imports for all theyears is:
(1) 8 : 7 (2) 6 : 5 (3) 4 : 3 (4) 2 : 3 (5) 8 : 5


Directions (Qs. 146-150): Study the following graph andanswer the questions(No. of motorcycles in 1,000s sold by Companies A and B, in the recent years) (A ____ , B _ _ _ _).

146. Approximately what per cent is the sale of Company A in2003, compared to its total sale?
(1) 13% (2) 12% (3) 15%(4) 11% (5) 10%


147. What per cent is total sale of Company A with respect toCompany B? (approx)
(1) 75% (2) 85% (3) 90%(4) 95% (5) 100%


148. For which year(s) did Company B experience the highest per cent increase, compared to the previous year?
(1) 2003
(2) 2004
(3) 2004, 2005
(4) 2003, 2004
(5) 2002, 2005


149. The total sale for years 2000, 2001, 2002 for Company B forms what per cent of its total sale? (approx)
(1) 20% (2) 25% (3) 30% (4) 35% (5) 40%

150. For Company A, which combination of year and per cent rise in sale from previous year, correct?
(1) 2001—40%
(2) 2002—30%
(3) 2003—100%
(4) 2004—50%
(5) 2005—20%


151. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

(1) White (2) Indigo (3) Blue (4) Red (5) Orange


152. 'Cooler' is related to 'summer' in the same way which of the following is related to 'rain'?
(1) Shirt (2) Umbrella (3) Icecream(4) Fan (5) Fridge


153. City A is larger than city B which is smaller than city D. If cityE is larger than city A but smaller than city D, which of the following isthe largest?

(1) E (2) A (3) D(4) B (5) Cannot be determined


154. If 'red' means 'blue', 'blue' means 'black', 'black' means'yellow', 'yellow' means 'green', 'green' means 'white', 'white' means'brown' and 'brown' means 'indigo', then what is the colour of middle lineof our National Flag?
(1) white (2) yellow(3) brown (4) green(5) None of these


155. If 'INVITATION' is written as 'KMXHVZVHQM', then 'READY'is written in that code as which of the following?
(1) SCDDA (2) TDCDB(3) QFBEZ (4) TDCCANone of these


Directions (156-160): Read the following character sequencecarefully and then answer the questions given below it.


156. If the first half of the series is reversed and similarly the second half is also reversed, then which of the following will be the 4thto the right of 16th character from your right?
(1) P (2) % (3) B(4) S (5) C


157. What will be the 2nd last letter of the word made of the 1st,2nd, 11th, 20th and 22nd characters of the given sequence? If no such word can be made your answer is W. If more than one such word can made your answer is D.
(1) I (2) C (3) A(4) W (5) D


158. Which character is midway between 7th from left and 6th from right in the above series?
(1) % (2) 5 (3) S(4) P (5) .


159. If every alternate character in the above sequence from right is dropped (drop B first) then which of the following character will be 5th to the right of 6th character from the left?
(1) C (2) 8 (3) . (4) I (5) T


160. If A C 3, 6 . $, P .. % + ? ×, then what will come in place of question mark.
(1) – (2) . (3) × (4) S (5) 8


Directions (161-165): In each question below, three statements are given followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they appear at variance from commonly known facts. Then decide which of the conclusions logically follows from the given statements. Mark out an appropriate answer choice that you think is correct.


161. (a) All papers are books.
(b) All books are pages
(c) All pages are material.
I. Some material are pages.
II. All books are material.
III. All papers are pages.
IV. Some books are papers.
(1) All the four follow
(2) Only II, III follow
(3) Only I, III and IV follow
(4) Either I or III and II follow
(5) None follows


162. (a) Some bats are balls.
(b) No stars are moons
(c) All balls are moons.

I. Some moons are not balls.
II. No balls are stars.
III. Some moons are not balls.
IV. Some balls are bats.
(1) Only I and II follow
(2) Only I, II and IV follow
(3) Either II or IV follows
(4) All follow
(5) None of these follows
163. (a) All coats are pants.
(b) No pants are shirts.
(c) Some shirts are pullovers.
I. No coat is a shirt.
II. Some coats are shirts.
III. All coats are shirts.
IV. Some coats are not pullovers.
(1) Only I, II and III follow
(2) Only Ist follows
(3) Only I and IV follow
(4) Either I and III or II and IV follow
(5) Only III and IV follow


164. (a) Some pens are pencils.
(b)Some rubbers are gum.
(c) No bag is a gum.
I. Some pencils are gum.
II. Some pencils are not gum.
III. some rubbers are not bag.
IV. Some rubbers are bag.
(1) Only I follows
(2) Only II follows
(3) Only II and III follow
(4) Either I or II and either III or IV follow
(5) None of these follows


165. (a) No fruits are bananas.
(b) No oranges are peas.
(c) All bananas are oranges.
I. No bananas are peas.
II. Some oranges are not fruits.
III. Some bananas are fruits.
IV. Some oranges are bananas.
(1) Only III follows
(2) Only I, II and IV follow
(3) Either I or II follows
(4) Only I and II follow
(5) All follow

Directions (Qs. 166-170): Study the following arguments and distinguish between "strong" arguments and 'weak' arguments because they relate to the question. "Strong" arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. "Weak" arguments are those which are of minor importance and also not directly related to the question. Each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. Decide which of the argument is a "strong" and "weak". Give answer:
(1) if only argument I is "strong".
(2) if only argument II is strong.
(3) if either I or II is "strong".
(4) if neither I nor II is "strong".
(5) if both I and II are "strong".

166. Should the government punish those schools which charge high admission fee?
I. Yes, where will the poor students go?
II. Yes, education has become more of a business than a pious commitment.

167. Should there be a quota for those who are poor?
I. Yes, this will decrease the level of unemployment and poor
people will not be discriminated by upper caste.
II. No, we already have reservations in our jobs.

168. Should there be no place for interview in selection?
I. Yes, it is a difficult part of selection.
II. No, it is the only way to judge the candidates' personality and motives.

169. Should women be provided more job opportunities?
I. Yes, they should go into the outside world.
II. No, they are not interested in jobs.

170. Should government provide more benefits to those who are the only child of their parents?
I. Yes, it will control increase of population.
II. Yes, it will give them bright future and love of parents.

Directions (Qs. 171-175): In these questions, a statement is given, which is followed by various assumptions. Read the statements and the assumptions and decide which one of them are implicit.

171. "Ensure freedom from thieves with this car locking system."
I. This car locking system is the best.
II. It is desired to have freedom from thieves.
III. There are thieves everywhere.
(1) I and II are implicit.
(2) II and III are implicit.
(3) I and III are implicit.
(4) Only II is implicit.
(5) All are implicit.

172. "We deal in used cars. Contact us at phone no. XYZ, at the earliest possible."—an advertisement.
I. Some people want to sell old cars.
II. The advertisement will be read by the needy people.
III. Used cars may not be totally useless.
(1) Only I is implicit.
(2) Only II and III are implicit.
(3) Only I and III are implicit.
(4) All I, II, III are implicit.
(5) None of I, II, III are implicit.

173. "Lalu Prasad is expected to announce several schemes for poor people in the budget."—a news reporter.
I. The reporter has a fair reporting.
II. The news-reporter has genuine report sources.
III. Lalu Prasad is capable of announcing schemes.
(1) I and II are implicit.
(2) II and III are implicit.
(3) Only III is implicit.
(4) All are implicit.
(5) None is implicit.

174. Mr X tells Mrs X: "I cannot send my child to that school. Children over there smoke and drink." Which of these assumptions is implicit?
I. Smoking and drinking are not desirable of children.
II. Their child will agree to their decision.
III. The school has a good reputation.
(1) I and II
(2) II and III
(3) III and I
(4) I only
(5) All I, II, III

175. Monica's advice to Sonia: "Go to Chandigarh via Ambala— the best route."
I. Sonia wants to go to Chandigarh.
II. Monica loves advising everybody.
III. They love Chandigarh.
(1) I is implicit.
(2) II is implicit.
(3) Either I or II is implicit.
(4) Neither I nor II is implicit.
(5) Both are implicit.

Directions (Qs. 176-180): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:
(1) Six friends Asad, Babli, Cajole, Dev, Eva and Fatima are sitting in a closed circle facing the centre.
(2) Cajole is between Asad and Babli.
(3) Fatima is between Eva and Asad.
(4) Eva is to the left of Dev
176. Who is on the left of Babli?
(1) Asad (2) Cajole (3) Dev (4) Eva (5) None of these
177. Who is on the left of Cajole?
(1) Dev (2) Eva (3) Asad (4) Fatima (5) None of these

178. Which pair of friends is sitting on the opposite of each other?
(1) Dev, Asad
(2) Dev, Babli
(3) Asad, Fatima
(4) Cajole, Babli
(5) None of these

179. Which of the following is sitting on the right side of Fatima?
(1) Eva (2) Dev
(3) Asad (4) Babli
(5) Cajole

180. Which of the above given statements is superfluous?
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) None of these

Directions (Qs. 181-185): Read the following information and answer the questions.
Four people of different nations live on the same side of a sector in four houses each of different colour. Each person has a different favourite drink. The Englishman lives in the red house. The following additional information is:
—The Hindu drinks tea.
—The Muslim lives in the first house on the left.
—The Muslim lives adjacent to the blue house.
—In the second house from the right they drink coffee.
—The Sikh drinks banana shake.
—Tea is drunk in the blue house
—The pink house is to the right of red house

181. Which of the following drink coffee?
(1) Muslim
(2) Hindu
(3) Englishman
(4) Muslim and Hindu
(5) None of the above

182. The colour of Sikh house is:
(1) yellow (2) bluen(3) red (4) pink (5) None

183. The Muslim drinks which of the following drink:
(1) tea (2) coffee (3) banana shake (4) tea, coffee (5) milk

184. Who sits adjacent to Muslim?
(1) Hindu
(2) Englishman
(3) Sikh
(4) Both Hindu and Sikh
(5) None of the above

185. Which of the following statement is not true?
(1) Hindu lives in the blue house
(2) Sikh drinks banana shake and his colour of house is pink
(3) Muslim drinks coffee
(4) Yellow house is occupied by Muslim
(5) None of the above

Directions (Qs. 186-195): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Given here are the conditions to become the members of a Lake Club. A person must:
(1) be in the age group of 21-50 as on August 13, 2006.
(2) be drawing a minimum salary of Rs 1 lakh per annum.
(3) own a house.
(4) not have a family of more than five members including himself.
(5) have excellence in any field of arts and sports. However, if a person:
(6) satisfies all except (4) above, but draws a salary of more than 2 lakh per annum, the case may be referred to the Club president.
(7) satisfies all except (3) above, the case may be referred to the Club secretary. On the basis of above conditions and information, decide which of the following courses of action should be taken regarding each condition.
Mark answer:
(1) if the person is eligible to be a member
(2) if the person can't be allowed the membership
(3) if the data provided is inadequate.
(4) if the case is to be referred to the Club secretary
(5) if the case is to be referred to the Club president

186. Mr Rahul Tiwari, living with his mother and father, is a college professor earning Rs 8600 monthly. He has his own house and is having a good record in the field of fine arts.

187. Ravi Tripathi, an IAS officer, draws a salary of Rs 15000 p.m. His date of birth is March 17, 1985. He lives with his mother, father and a brother. He is having his own house and holds a certificate of being the best volleyball player in his college.

188. Mr Pankaj Pandey works as a manager in horticulture. He is 35 years old and lives as a tenant with his wife and two daughters. He
draws a monthly salary of Rs 8700 p.m. for the last 7 years. He holds a good record in sports.

189. Mr Dev Taneja, a bachelor, lives in a private house owned by him with his parents and grand parents. He is senior manager in American Express, drawing a salary of Rs 17000 p.m. He has won the Trophy in Badminton and his D.O.B. is August 13, 1992.

190. Mrs Radha Kapoor, living with her husband, receives a salary of Rs 10,000 p.m. She has completed 12 years of service in the company on January 10, 2004.

191. Mrs Poonam completed 33 years in March 2005. She stays in her own house along with his husband and three sons. She works as G.M. in Infosys, and draws Rs 117000 per annum. She has exhibited excellence in the field of arts.

192. Mr Ajay is a Branch Manager in SBI and draws a salary of Rs 201000 per annum. He lives in a flat which is not owned by him, along with his wife and a son. He holds a certificate of excellence intennis. His D.O.B. is October 15, 1980.

193. Mr Satyakam is 40 years old, lives alone in his house. He works as manager in textile mill and earns Rs 10,200 every month.

194. Ms Kavita lives in her own house with his husband and a daughter. She is working as a Assistant Manager in HDFC. She is 26 years old and having a excellence in painting.

195. Mr Abhinav is a bachelor working as a Computer Engineer in electron company. He draws Rs 10900 p.m. His D.O.B. is October
1982. He has been the captain of the Basketball team. He lives in his own house and having family of four persons including him.

Directions (Qs. 196-200): An arrangement machine when given an input of words, rearrange them following a particular rule and solve it.
Input: This chapter would give you basic concepts.
Step 1: basic this chapter would give you concepts.
Step 2: basic chapter this would give you concepts.
Step 3: basic chapter concepts this would give you.
Step 4: basic chapter concepts give this would you.
Study the logic and answer the questions that follow.

196. Input: Do not imitate others work.
Which of the following will be Step 3 for the given input?
(1) Do others not imitate work.
(2) Do imitate not others work.
(3) Work do others imitate.
(4) Do not others work imitate.
(5) None

197. Input: Adequate safety arrangements are must for kids. Which of the following will be 2nd last step for the given input?
(1) Adequate are arrangements for kids safety must.
(2) Adequate are arrangements for kids must safety.
(3) Adequate are safety arrangements must for kids.
(4) Adequate safety are arrangements must for kids.
(5) None

198. Input: Marcus Brauchli gives inaccurate information. How many steps are required to rearrange the above input properly.
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 2 (5) None of these

199. Input: Most Indian leaders cannot even visualise free India. Which of the following will be last step of above input?
(1) Most Indian even leaders cannot visualise free India.
(2) Cannot even free India Indian most leaders visualise.
(3) Cannot even free India most Indian leaders visualise.
(4) Cannot even free India Indian leaders most visualise.
(5) None.

200. Step IV: It is figure anti-establishment from media. Which of the following is the input of the above mentioned step.
(1) It is figure from anti-establishment media.
(2) Media it is figure from anti-establishment.
(3) It is anti-establishment media from.
(4) Can't be determined.
(5) None of these

Directions (Qs. 201-205): Study the Venn-diagrams given below and answer the following questions (The Venn-diagram gives the number of persons into various kinds of business).

201. People who are into only furniture business are:
(1) e
(2) z + a
(3) b + e + d + f
(4) e + f
(5) z + a + b + d + e + f

202. People doing furniture business and steel business, but not tea, are:
(1) y + a (2) a + b
(3) b + d (4) d + g
(5) d

203. People doing steel and plastic and furniture business are:
(1) g (2) d (3) b (4) a (5) y

204. What is the number of people into tea and furniturebusiness?
(1) z + e (2) a (3) e(4) z + a (5) b + a

205. What is the number of people carrying out all fourbusinesses?
(1) b (2) d (3) a(4) c (5) None of these

Directions (Qs. 206-210): These questions are based oninferences. Read the following passage carefully and mark youranswers as
(1) Probably true
(2) Definitely true
(3) Probably false
(4) Definitely false
(5) Data inadequate
Most people find change stressful, so I do not find it surprising thatresearchers have discovered a statistical relation between falling ill andthe experience of major life events such as death of a spouse, gettingmarried, etc. Those who have experienced a higher index of such changes, generally report a greater incidence of ill-health. Yet, most of us find that this research quite doesn't tally with the experience.Reasoning similarly, another group found a strong correlation between
health and hassles of life—the thousands of little daily irritations.

206. Generally people tend to get irritated to some extent.

207. Everyone does not experience stress, only few do.

208. One should avoid big changes.

209. The approach of the two research groups is not different.

210. The researchers' conclusion quite fits into everybody's life.

Directions (Qs. 211-215): Each of the following series consists of seven figures, two of which at the ends are unnumbered. One of the five numbered figures does not fit into the series. Find out the figure.


Directions (Qs. 216-220): The second figure of the problem figure bears a certain relationship to the first figure. Determine the relationship and hence find out the answer from the answer figures:

Directions (Qs. 221-225): Each question comprises question figures and answer figures. The question figures obey a specific pattern.
From among the answer figures, choose that option which follows the series or pattern, in the next step.



101. (3)102. (3)103. (4)104. (5)(4)106. (3)107. (4)108. (2). (2)110. (5)111. (3)112. (5)113. (3)

114. (2)115. (4)116. (2)117. (3)118. (1)119. (3)120. (1)121. (4)122. (3)123. (5)124. (2)125. (5)126. (3)

127. (3)128. (2)129. (1)130. (5)131. (2)132. (5)133. (3)134. (4)135. (1)136. (3)137. (1)138. (1)139. (3)
149. (2)150. (5)


151. (1) All the others are colours of rainbow (VIBGYOR)
152. (2) Cooler is used to protect us from heat. Similarly umbrella isused to protect us from rain.
153. (3) According to first statement or sentence
.154. (4) Colour of middle line of NF is white and green means white isgiven in the statement so green is the answer.
155. (4) The first letter moves two places forward while the secondletters moves one place backward. This process continues forthe whole word.
156. (3) The reversed series is: 4th to the right of 16th from right is 12th (16 – 4) from right is B.
157. (4) The letters are A, C, P, I, T. No word can be made by using these letters.
158. (1) Seventh from left isis
159. (5) The series is after dropping characters: then 5th to the right of 6th from left is 11th from left i.e. T
160. (2) Do it yourself.
161. (1) Using Ist and 2nd statement we get All papers are pages and by using 2nd & 3rd we get All
books are material so, 2 & 3 follow and I & IV are conversion
of Ist statement and 3rd statement.166. (1)
167. (1) providing jobs would definitely decrease unemployment,hence 1 is strong. II is not strong because quota for poorsdoesn't mean reservation.
168. (2) Ist is not strong but II is obviously strong.
169. (1) Ist is strong, II is void.
170. (5)
171. (4) There is no hint of use of 'best'and 'everywhere' terms.
172. (4) I and II are definitely implicit. Also an advertisement is meantto be read.
173. (2) We cannot say anything about I.
174. (4)175. (1)(176 to 180). In the circle the arrangement is as shown.
176. (3) Dev.
177. (5) Because Babli is on the left of Cajole. (see diagram.)
178. (1) Dev, Asad.
179. (1) Clearly, Eva.
180. (5) Since all the statements are necessary to determine thearrangement.
(181 to 185) Based on given information, the correct sequence of datais as follows.
181. (3) see chart.
182. (4)
183. (5) Although it is not mentioned in the question but it appear thatmilk is his drink.Yellow Blue Red Pink
Nationality Muslim Hindu Englishman Sikh
184. (1)185. (3) (Muslim drinks milk—it is assumed).
186. (3) Condition 1 is missing.
187. (1) Satisfies all the condition.
188. (4) (Condition 7 is fulfilled, as the candidate does not have his own house.)
189. (5) Condition 6 is fulfilled, as the candidate has a family of 5 members.
190. (3) Conditions 1 and 5 is missing.
191. (2) She is having a family of five members and condition 6 is not
fulfilled because her salary is less than 200000.
192. (4)
193. (2) Condition 5 is missing.
194. (2) Condition 2 is missing.
195. (1) All conditions are satisfied.
(196-200) The logic is: the words are arranged in alphabetical order bynot interchanging places. That is ,basic goes to the first placeand the whole remaining sentence is as it is.
196. (5) because in this only one step is possibleInput Do not imitate others work.Step-I Do imitate not others work.
197. (1) Step-1 Adequate are safety arrangements must for kids.
Step-2 Adequate are arrangements safety must for kids.
Steps-3 Adequate are arrangements for safety must kids.
Steps-4 Adequate are arrangements for kids safety must.
Step-5 Adequate are arrangements for kids must safety.
And 2nd last one is step 4.
198. (2) Step-1 Brauchli Marcus gives inaccurate information.
Step-2 Brauchli gives Marcus inaccurate information.
Step-3 Brauchli gives inaccurate Marcus information.
Step-4 Brauchli gives inaccurate information Marcus.
4 Steps are required.
199. (4) Step-1 Cannot most Indian leaders even visualise free India.
Step-2 Cannot even most Indian leaders visualise free India.
Step-3 Cannot even free most Indian leaders visualise India.
Step 4 Cannot even free India most Indian leaders visualise.
Step 5 Cannot even free India Indian most leaders visualise.
Step 6 Cannot even free India Indian leaders most visualise.
Shortcut (Just arrange the input alphabetically).
200. (4) In this type of question determination of previous step or input
is not possible.
(201-205)201. (5) 202. (3) 203. (2) 204. (4) 205. (5)(206-210)
206. (2)........last lines.
207. (3)........research done on several people.
208. (5)........no such hint is made.
209. (4)........it is different......one considers big events, the otherconsiders small ones.
210. (3)........3rd sentence. (Yet, most of us....).
211. (5) The elements move one step Anti-clockwise in one step whilein the next the element on extreme Anti-clockwise positionmoves Clockwise end and others move one step Anticlockwise.
212. (3) The outermost and innermost sides rotate by 90° Anticlockwisewhile the middle one rotates by 90° Clockwise.
213. (2) In this the elements shift one step in cyclic order and oneelement is replaced by a new one.
214. (1) In this the upper and the lower elements rotate by 180° whilemiddle element inverted vertically in alternate steps.
215. (4)216. (4) Y changes by 180°, Anti-clockwise & 2 places in Clockwisedirection.
I changes Clockwise at same place, by 90°. has no rotation but goes to ends.
217. (2) Notice Clockwise and Anti-clockwise rotations as above.
218 (1) similar to above Qs.
219. (2) end point moves Anti-clockwise, 45°, move 45° to top.
circle moves by 180°.
220. (3) Just send elements to opposite places.
221. (1) notice how the vertically and horizontally attached components change alternately.
222. (3) triangle moves 1 place to ends/sides, Anti-clockwise, moves by ½ places, diagonally,
moves Anti-clockwise by 135° or 1½ places Anticlockwise.
223. (4) semi-circle turns Anti-clockwise and gets diminished/enlarged
alternately, T jumps to opposite side and reverses, arrow
head changes direction and places, after 2 turns.
224. (1) notice how the various elements move by ½ side and then
from one extreme to another.
225. (2) circle changes shade and places Anti-clockwise, triangle tilts
Anti-clockwise and Clockwise alternately, 45°.