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Sport News:Michael Schumacher retirement: His full statement

Seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher has confirmed he will
retire for good at the end of current Formula One season. Here is his
complete statement:

"I have decided to retire from Formula 1 at the end of the season,
although I am still able to compete with the best drivers of the
world. This is something that makes me proud, and this is part of why
I never regretted my Comeback. I can be happy with my performance and
the fact that I was continuously raising my game during the last three
years. But then, at some point it is time to say Good-Bye.
Already during the past weeks and months I was not sure if I would
still have the motivation and energy which is necessary to go on; and
it is not my style to do anything which I am not 100% convinced about.
With today's decision I feel released from those doubts. In the end,
it is not my ambition to just drive around but to fight for victories;
and the pleasure of driving is nourished by competitiveness.

I have said at the end of 2009 that I want to be measured by my
success, and this is why I had a lot of criticism in the past 3 years
which partly was justified. It is without doubt that we did not
achieve our goal to develop a world championship fighting car within
those 3 years. It is also without doubt that I cannot provide a long
term perspective to anyone. But then it is also clear that I can still
be very happy about my overall achievements in Formula 1.

In the past 6 years I have learned a lot, also about me, and I am
thankful for it: for example, that you can open yourself up without
losing focus. That losing can be both more difficult and more
instructive than winning; something I had lost out of sight sometimes
in earlier years. That you have to appreciate to be able to do what
you love. That you have to live your convictions. I have opened my
horizon, and I am at ease with myself.

I would like to thank Daimler, Mercedes-Benz and the Team for their
trust. But I also would like to thank all my friends, partners and
companions, who over many good years in motorsport supported me. But
most of all I would like to thank my family for standing always by my
side, giving me the freedom to live my convictions and sharing my

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