GATE 2013 Important Dates
GATE online applicant interface (website) opens: 01st September, 2012, Saturday
Last date for submission of online application (website closure): 30th
September, 2012, Sunday, 23.00 hours
Last date for the receipt of printed version of online application at
the respective zonal GATE office: 08th October, 2012, Monday
Last date for request of change of city: 20th November, 2012, Tuesday
Availability of admit card on online application interface: 05th
December, 2012, Wednesday
GATE-2013 online examination for papers (AR, CE, GG, MA, MT, PH and
TF): 20th January, 2013, Sunday, 09.00 hours to 12.00 hours
GATE-2013 online examination papers (AE, AG, BT, CH, CY, MN, XE and
XL): 20th January, 2013, Sunday, 14.00 hours to 17.00 hours
GATE-2013 offline examination papers (CS, ME and PI): 10th February,
2013, Sunday, 09.00 hours to 12.00 hours
GATE-2013 offline examination papers (EC, EE and IN): 10th February,
2013, Sunday, 14.00 hours to 17.00 hours
Announcement of GATE 2013 results on online applicant interface: 15th
March, 2013, Friday, 10.00 hours
Admit Card: Admit cards are not sent by mail anymore
Admit cards can only be downloaded from the zonal GATE websites from
05th December, 2012 onwards
Bring the admit card to the test center along with at least one
original (not photocopied/scanned copy) and valid (not expired) photo
The examination for the papers with codes AE, AG, AR, GG, MN and TF
will be carried out ONLINE using computers where the candidates will
be required to enter the answer for each question using mouse. For all
other papers, the candidates will have to mark the correct choice on
an Optical Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate bubble
against each question.
In the ONLINE papers, the question paper will consist of questions of
multiple choice type and numerical answer type. For multiple choice
type questions, each question will have four choices for the answer.
For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number
as the answer and choices will not be given.
GATE 2013 would contain questions of four different types in various papers:
Multiple choice questions carrying 1 or 2 marks each.
Common data questions, where two successive questions use the same set
of input data.
Linked answer questions, where the answer to the first question of the
pair is required in order to answer its successor.
Numerical answer questions, where the answer is a number, to be
entered by the candidate.
Examples of such questions can be found in Question Types.
In all the papers, there will be a total of 65 questions carrying 100
marks, out of which 10 questions carrying 15 marks in General Aptitude
(GA) are compulsory.
In the papers bearing the codes AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, GG,
IN, ME, MN, MT, PI, TF and XE, the Engineering Mathematics will carry
15 % of the total marks, the General Aptitude section will carry 15 %
of the total marks and the remaining 70 % of the total marks is
devoted to the subject of the paper.
In the papers bearing the codes AR, CY, GG, MA, PH and XL, the General
Aptitude section will carry 15 % of the total marks and the remaining
85 % of the total marks is devoted to the subject of the paper.