The shooting of Ram Charan's upcoming movie Racha which was going at brisk pace in Kerela is halted due to objection of forest officer. Now the latest news is that, audio of the movie which was planned to release on February 20th is postponed and will release on February 26th on the eve of Mahasivarathri. Filmmakers are planning to release the audio in a grand manner at Kurnool. Recently title song was leaked on Internet and getting popular among the music lovers.
Mani Sharma has composed 6 songs out of which one is a remix of 'Vaana Vaana Velluvaaye' from Mega Star Chiranjeevi's super hit movie 'Gang Leader'.
Racha is touched as an out-and-out commercial entertainer. Ram Charan will be seen as medical student in the film.
Sampath Nandi is directing the film. Tamanna is playing female lead role in this movie. Prakash Raj, Mukesh Rushi, Ajmal, Ravi Babu etc are playing other prominent roles in the movie. Bollywood actress Lisa Haydon has danced along with Ram Charan Tej for item song in this movie.
Music by Mani Sharma, Cinematography by Sameer Reddy, RB Choudary, Paras Jain and NV Prasad are producing the movie under Supergood films banner.