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Indian Institute of technology will dispatched the admit card of joint
entrance exam through postal service. IIT JEE admit cards will not
available to download. students who are eligible for entrance exam
will receive their admit cards till 15 march. The admit cards Of joint
entrance exam will be sent by Speed Post to the address of student
that is mentioned be her/him on the Application Form.

There are many information like name, application number, registration
number, photograph, signature, date of birth, address, category and
subcategory of the candidate, language of Question Paper, along with
name and address of the IIT-JEE 2012 Examination Centre allotted bear
on the IIT JEE admit card. students can check this information when
admit card is received by them.

Important Information Regarding Admit Card:
No duplicate admit card will be issued by IIT if the admit card is
misplaced or any postal delay or irregularity resulting in
non-delivery. Jee office is not responsible for any reason of not
receive admit card.

If Admit Card Not Received:
If admit card not received by 15 march 2012 then candidates should
contact the JEE office for admit card. student can get their
registration number and center through IVRS – Interactive Voice
Response System) / Website through their zonal IIT. After obtaining
the registration number and center name student should write her/his
name, registration number and the examination centre on two identical
halves of an A4-size paper. students must Affix his/her photographs
(same version of photograph that is used in Application Form) one on
each half. students must sign on the bottom of the photographs. after
this process student must attest this document to his/her Head of
School / Institution last attended / gazetted officer / notary public.

How To Get Admit Card:
after the above process students should meet the IIT Representative on
08-04-2012 with attested paper. student should meet the representative
one hour before the examination at the office of the Presiding Officer
of the examination center. The IIT Representative will retain one half
of the paper and give the other half back to student. so student will
be allowed to write the examination.

Identity Verification:
At the exam hall candidate should present his/her admit card to
invigilators. this process is for verification of admit card so if any
student will not success to prove his/her identity to invigilators
then the student will not be allowed to appear in the JEE 2012

Keep Admit Card Safe:
students who will be qualified in JEE 2012 are required to produce the
admit card at the time of counselling of JEE and the admit card should
also require during admission process so candidate should be carefully
preserved the admit card till the admission through IIT-JEE 2012 is

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