ICC world cup live score

Panjaa Fouth Day Gross Collections: First 4 Days Box Office Record

Panjaa Fouth Day Gross Collections: First 4 Days Box Office Record

Business Statistics:

Budget: 33 Crores
Opening Theatres: 1800
Shows: 8000

Break up of Gross Collections Worldwide
Friday(1st day): Rs 16.2 Crores (Collections Include Premier shows in
world wide)
Saturday(2nd day): Rs 10.1 Crores
Sunday(3rd day): Rs 8.2 Crores
Monday(4th day): Rs 4.8 Crores

Total first four(4) days gross collections: Rs 39.5 Crores (approx)

Till now the Panjaa made good business at Box-Office. The opening
collections of the movie is greater than Pawan's previous films. But
now piracy is effecting the collections. In fact producers failed
utterly in controlling the piracy.