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Government decided to Set up a Village Water and Sanitation Committee in each Gram Panchayat

The Government decided to set up a village water and sanitation
committee in each Gram Panchayat, village and ward to ensure safe
drinking water supply. The committee will be set up as a standing
committee in each Gram Panchayat for planning, monitoring,
implementation and maintenance of water supply schemes in the area
with active participation of the villagers. The membership of the
committee will consist of 6 to 12 persons comprising elected Panchayat
members and at least 50 percent women with due representation to
Scheduled castes and Tribes.

The committee will be an integral part of the village panchayat. This
initiative has been taken under the National Rural Drinking Water
Programme to decentralize power and responsibilities and to give
greater focus on water and sanitation issues