Here is the update on collections of Shahrukh Khan's recent Super hit movie 'Don 2'. The film continuous to rock the box-office even on working day. The film collected a Nett of Rs 126 crore at box-office in first one week. The distributor of 'Don2' already received its investment and making profits. Here are the detailed Box-Office reports.
Screens Count on Release Day
India: 2654 screens + 451 3D screens. Total 3105 ScreensOverseas: 690 screens (41 countries)
Total Screens Worldwide: 3795 Screens
Business Statistics:
Budget: Rs 75 crore
Cost to Reliance Entertainment(Distributor): 105 Crore (Includes acquisition cost + 3D conversion cost + prints and advertising expenses)
Music Right (Hindi) : Rs 10 Crore
Satellite Rights (Hindi) : Rs 36 Crore
India: Total First Seventh(7) Days Nett Collections In India : Rs 75.33 Crore
Saturday (2nd Day) Collections : Rs 15.32 Crore
Sunday(3rd Day) Collections: Rs 18.22 Crore
Monday(4th Day) Collections: Rs 8.85 Crore
Tuesday(5th Day) Collections: Rs 7.08 Crore
Wednesday(6th Day) Collections: Rs 5.49 Crore
Thursday(7th Day) Collections: Rs 4.82 Crore
Overseas: Total First Seventh(7) Days Nett Collections: Rs 50.43 Crore
World Wide: Total First Week (7 days) Nett Collections: Rs 125.76 Crore(India 75.33 Crore + Overseas 50.43 Crore)