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Chartered Accountancy : Examination & Course Detail

Chartered Accountancy : Examination & Course Detail

CA programme is of two years apart from the training period. It has three sections, Competency Professional Test (CPT), Professional Competency Course (PCC) and Professional Competency Examination, the Final examination.

The entrance Examination for the Charted accountants, Competency Professional Test, CPT that was earlier known as Professional Education exam PE1 is conducted by the institute once in a quarter. The four-hour examination paper of 400 marks consists of four subjects namely fundamentals of accounting, mercantile law, general economics and quantitative attitudes. Minus mark is also applicable in the examination.

Competency Professional Test (CPT)

Anyone who has a 10 + 2 can enroll for the Competency Professional Test (CPT). A student who have passed the 10th examination can also register with CPT but could write the exam only after the Plus Two examination. Duration of the course is 10months. Graduates who doesn't have the request percentage of marks have to do the Competency Professional Test . The registration for CPT is open throughout the year. A student may register at any time during the year. The exam will be held twice a year in May and November. Students have to ensure their registration at least 10 months before the examination. The application for regi stration should reach the office of the institute on or before 30th of June and for November Examination on or before 31st December of the preceding year.

A candidate is declared successful in Competency Professional Test (CPT), if he/she secures an aggregate of 50% of the total marks in all the papers subject to a minimum of 40% marks in each paper.

Subjects for Professional course I

Paper 1- Fundamentals of Accounting
Paper 2 - Mathematics & Statistics
Paper 3 -  Economics
Paper 4 - Business Communication and Organization and Management

Registration for Competency Professional Test (CPT)

Eligible candidates have to forward their application for registration along with a crossed demand draft for the requisite amount (registration and tuition fee) drawn in favour of Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accounts of India payable at the respective places where the Offices of the Institute are located.

Professional Competency Course (PCC)

The CA Programme is mainly divided into Professional Competency Course and Final course. After completing the CPT or graduation with required marks one can go for Professional Competency Course (PCC). The registration for PCC is open throughout the year. A student may register at any time during the year. The exam will be held twice a year in May and November, it is necessary that a student must register at least ten months before the examinations.

Subjects for Professional Competency Course (PCC)
The Professional Competency Examination has two groups that consists of three papers each (i.e total 6 papers) and each paper consist 100 marks each.

Group I
Paper 1 -  Accounting
Paper 2 - Auditing
Paper 3 - Business and Corporate  Laws

Group II
Paper 4 - Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Paper 5 - Income Tax & Central Sales Tax
Paper 6 - Information Technology

The student should get 40% mark minimum with an aggregate of 50% in a group. Along with PCE one has to under go 100 hours training in Information Technology, i.e the computer training programme as specified by the council. The candidate can register as an articled clerk with a firm of chartered accountants for undergoing practical training and simultaneously as a student with the Board of Studies for theoretical education. The candidate is a trainee for a period of three years. During this period he gets thorough knowledge of the various fields in which a Chartered Accountant can render services. During this period the articled clerk will also need to continue studies for the CA exam.

Final Course
The candidate could register as a final student and write the final exam once they passed the PCE and the Information Technology training. The final examination also has similar type of papers of two groups, four papers each

Subjects for Final Course

Group I
Paper 1 - Advanced Accounting
Paper 2 - Management Accounting & Financial Analysis
Paper 3 - Advanced Auditing
Paper 4 - Corporate Laws & Secretarial Practice

Group II
Paper 5 - Cost Management
Paper 6 - Management Information and Control Systems
Paper 7 - Direct Taxes
Paper 8 - Indirect Taxes

The person should get minimum of 40% mark with an aggregate of 50% in a group and once the final examination and article ship completed, the Charted accountant should under go a communication and management course that would help him for better communication. On successful completion of the Final examination one becomes the member of the Institute. Member of the Institute may either practice as a Chartered Accountant on his own or go for employment.

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNO) has entered in an agreement with the Institute of Charted Accountants of India to conduct a B.Com course for CA student. Those who are enrolling as CA student, can go for B.Com course of IGNO, where they need not write all the papers, they will have certain exemption. They will get a guaranteed graduation along with they do the CA course.

Note : To register for the exams, one has to send the application to the institutes regional centers. Various paper wise exemptions are available.

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